Gum Grafting Q & A

Gum Grafting in El Paso

What is gum grafting?

Gum grafting is a treatment for receding gums and is also known as gum grafting. It can restore normal adhesion between your teeth and gums, which is a critical part of good dental health.

While gum surgery might sound like an unpleasant experience, your gum tissue is among the fastest healing tissues in your body. You might be surprised at how quickly your gums respond to gum grafting.

What causes receding gums?

Numerous factors can cause your gums to recede. Gum disease is a primary factor, which is why scheduling routine dental exams is such an important part of dental and overall health. Additional causes include:

  • Tobacco use
  • Brushing with too much force
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Aging

Some people are simply born with thin gums, which can cause recession even at an early age.

How does gum grafting work?

Gum grafting works by removing a small portion of tissue from one area of your mouth and repositioning it to an area where your gums are too thin or have receded from the surface of your teeth.

The team at El Paso Periodontics & Implant Specialists incorporates leukocyte-platelet rich fibrin (L-PRFⓇ), an innovative treatment that enhances your natural healing ability. L-PRF is made from a small volume of your own blood, so there is no risk of an adverse reaction or rejection.

After a simple blood draw and a short time in a medical centrifuge, the solution is created in-office while you wait. The L-PRF is spread across the gum grafting site where it goes to work reducing inflammation and hastening cellular regeneration.

You’ll be able to eat and drink normally within a few hours of your procedure. Expect some sensitivity and mild swelling for a few days, but the healing process will move forward quickly, giving your teeth and bone tissue the necessary protection and restoring a healthy gum line.

Don’t ignore changes in your gum tissue. Left untreated, receding gums will not get better on their own and can eventually lead to bone and tooth loss. Explore gum grafting in more detail during your one-on-one consultation at El Paso Periodontics & Implant Specialists. Booking an appointment takes just moments online or over the phone.